Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Worried Dad

My son's birthday is next week and we have a family get together planned for that day. Weather will be nice, but won't matter because we will be inside. This weekend however we have planned to have a party at the park. We chose this because he had an invite list of 18+ kids and we thought it was either that or he was going to have to cut the list. He didn't want to cut anyone so the park was the best option. Well this Saturday will be cold, around 60 and we had to reserve the park area at 10 am. I am worried that for the first time in his short 6 years he is going to have poor turnout, and from talking to him, it seems like he's worried also. He says it will be sad if people don't come to his party. That really sucks...I hope there is a good turnout. I would hate to see him sad on the day he is supposed to celebrate his birthday with his friends.

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