Saturday, November 8, 2008

Random movie thoughts

Go see Madagascar 2. If you have kids or don't. This movie was funny and filled with enough "adult" humor to make you forget that it was made for kids. It is one of the funnier movies I've seen this year.

Because 95% of the movies I see in the theater I see with a 5 year old, I am behind on most other movies. I see them when I buy them or if they are on TV. So I just finished There Will Be Blood. Is this movie for everyone? No. It is not something you sit down and watch when you are in the mood for a fun movie. That being said I loved it. I was captivated by Daniel Day-Lewis and find myself wondering why more people don't have him #1 on top actor lists. He is simply amazing. Paul Anderson has made a beautiful movie. It captures the early 1900 landscape beautifully and really makes you feel like you are in that time period. The dynamic between Lewis' character and his son is amazing and brutally honest as is the interaction Lewis has with everyone in the film. It is almost 3 hours long so either break it up for a couple of views or be prepared.

I also saw Get Smart this week. I really enjoyed that one, for sure. It was funny, with good writing and great acting from the main characters. This is a fun movie and one I've already seen twice this week. I am interested in the sequel and hope it comes out sooner than later.

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